Introducing our new Climate Action Plans project
The CAPs project was born in wake of the DfE’s Climate Change and Sustainability Strategy released in 2022 advising tha tall educational establishments will need to have a Climate Action Plan (CAP) in place from 2025. SOS-UK has the fantastic opportunity to support and assist school’s in their creation of these CAPs, providing the detail and guidance missing from the DfE's brief. The project forms part of the already exciting and multifaceted Green Schools Revolution, adding to the fantastic legacy of climate education campaigns funded by #iwill.
To kickstart the CAPs project a team of vibrant student staff were recruited: Amber, Cory and I, each bringing with us range of experiences that compliment to form our unique approach CAPs. I spoke to my fellow student staff to gain their thoughts on the role so far:
Amber: “Hi! My name is Amber and I have just recently joined SOS-UK as a Climate Action Plan (CAP) Coordinator, leading predominantly for schools in Plymouth and Weston-super-Mare. I am really excited to see how the CAPs support scheme develops. I feel like Ican already see the ball rolling— so many schools are signing up to participateand important organisational chats are already being had. I can’t wait to delveinto the CAPs resource design itself, eager to tangibly support long-lasting,high impact, climate action on an organisational level. My key interests liewith social-environmental impact planning and assessment, so this role is greatfor me!”
Cory: “I'm so excited to start in the Climate Action Plan Coordinator role. I love working with people and I'm really passionate about taking concrete steps to solve the climate crisis. Working for SOS UK is really enjoyable as the team is great and I am very motivated to help schools have a climate action in place. I am interested to learn more about the world of working for environmental NGOs and sustainable development. I especially can't wait to work with and in schools and be "in the middle of the action" with implementing these climate plans.”
What's happening so far?
Currently, we are in the planning and outreach stage, focusing on contacting schools and encouraging them to ge tinvolved with our project. The response so far has been hugely positive, with multiple schools already expressing interest in and enthusiasm for the work we offer. Opportunities to collaborate and connect are flying in from around the country ,and we are so far successful in reaching our four target areas. The team has also been preparing social media publications and posters to help spread the message of SOS-UKs CAPs project. This has involved developing graphic design skills and engaging with social media platforms. Whilst we are yet to go viral(!) we have had great response from the public and enjoyed working with platforms familiar to our student staff in a way that is both productive and fulfilling.
The CAPs project is very exciting and I believe it will contribute significantly towards embedding comprehensive climate literacy into UK schools. We hope to empower students through our work, granting them agency over their immediate environment and with it, opportunity to secure a climate future in which they can thrive. Working with CAPs, we are dealing in the currency of care, encouraging students to extend compassion to the environment and develop a robust sense of stewardship toward their surroundings. As a team, we are very much looking forward to working on this project over the next 6 months, and feel motivated to engage with similarly enthusiastic students.
If you'd like to find out more about our CAPs project visit our Green Schools Revolution webpage or email our team: caps@sos-uk.org
By Talia Hardie, CAPs Coordinator
“our [children] speak of plants and animals as if they were people, extending to them self and intention and compassion---until we teach them not to.” -Robin Wall Kimmerer (Braiding Sweetgrass).